Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Is interracial sex better than sex with someone within your own race?

Sex is one of those necessary evils that is a must in every relationship and at some point of the relation, you just have to have sex because let’s face it, we all have some physical desires and exploring your partner and letting him or her explore you isn’t a bad thing. Now, the question that arises here is that what can make your sex life more exciting and will interracial sex be a good option or should one have sex within their race? Well, this is one complicated question and i am sure all of you who are reading this article have different opinions and have their own sexual preferences yet we would like to talk on it a bit and see that what majority of the people in the world have to say on this topics.

According to a poll there were 67% people who enjoyed having sex outside their race and 15% enjoyed it within their own race. There are times that we’ve heard and seen people judging black women on loving their sex life with white men and vice versa. Well, trust me color never matters when you are in bed and we all know this dirty little secret that black men have huge penis which is what women love in bed.

It genuinely sounds a stupid question as there is no link between races and the joy of sex because let’s face it, the only thing that matter in sex is the size of a man’s penis and how long a woman and a man can last. So, just like love, sex is also about other factors than the color or race of a person.
I was also curious on this topic and as usual i googled it and all i found was some porn sites and comments of anonymous people telling and expressing how they love to watch interracial sex. On the contrary people have different views when it comes to the real discussion on such topics and they start judging people who love to have sex out of their race. So, ultimately i decided to put things down together on my own and give my opinion on this topic.

Now, the reason that some people enjoy interracial sex is because they are daring, passionate, risky and also, they love to try something different and new, they are ready to have a different experience out of their normal routines but if people dislike interracial sex, we still don’t judge them because you might find it gross and disgusting to have sex with a black men if you are a white women.

At the end of the day it all depends upon your choices and your preferences of a person and what performance you prefer to give in bed. However, if you already interracial sex then feel free to tell us your experience and what you think about the link of race or color with sex and does it really matter in bed or is it just the performance of your man or how long the woman lasts? Feel no shame in talking about your experiences when it comes to sex because let’s stop making it a taboo because we all know its a natural thing and it is very natural and normal to have sexual desires and sex with someone out of your race or even within your race.