The report showed that the primary reason a man asks one woman to marry and not another is that each woman treats him differently.
The reason white girls marry black guys happens outside the bedroom. Now, you're wondering how to get him to marry you?
Simple. Black men marry white women who can make them better men. For a man to become a better man, he needs the space and the opportunity to do so. In short, a black man marries a white woman who he believes makes life better. For most, it’s for love.
white girl black guys dating story
“We met at the trap house. Sparked a run from there. We got coffees, went to art shows, read books in the park; all while shooting dope and meth.
We slept in dug outs, a tent the garage, once outside fen way park in a sleeping bag. And we loved each other. We were a team and refused to be separated. We went to jail together, kissed in the back of a cruiser.
He was released I wasn't. I went to rehab after 3 months. We stayed separated for 7 more months even though he had moved to the city I was in. I relapsed went home and it wasn't home without him. All the meth and dope couldn't fill the void in my life. 9 months later were back together. Sober and living a real life. I just cant believe how lucky I am.”
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